
1961 Pamela McGlashon — 5 Comments

  1. Pamela, this is one of your old school chums Pat Sadler one of the Sadler twins Pat and Sheila. I live in Canada now and Sheila moved to Australia but is hoping to move back to England. I do have contact with Margaret Arneil who also lives in Canada. I have a picture of us in Cromer, do you remember that trip? It would be great to hear from you.
    Pat Sadler

  2. You mention a photo of a trip to Cromer, Pat. Photos can now be uploaded when making a comment.
    Tony Gocke

  3. Hi Pat, I remember our trip to Norfolk but not where we stayed. The only thing that stays in my memory is that Sandra Johnson cut her leg rather badly one evening and I stayed with her the next day while everyone went to Walsingham (I think). I now live 6 miles from Cromer so would be very interested to see that photo. I have a couple of photos but where from I know not. Look forward to hearing from you.

  4. Glad to hear from you. I cannot believe after all these years we can email each other. Got lots to tell you I will try to get the photo sorted out. My email address is:
    I will let Margaret know we’re in touch.

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