2018 Class of ’64 Reunion (1)
The next ‘Class of ’64 Reunion’ will be held in Bournemouth on Friday 18th May from 7.00 pm onward. Please pass the word around. The venue is ‘The Goat & Tricycle’ pub. It has been recommended by Trevor Lewis as a great traditional pub. It has a huge selection of beers and really good pub food at very reasonable prices. Plenty of nearby hotels too. The address is: 27-29 West Hill Road, Bournemouth BH2 5PF. Many thanks to Trevor Lewis for suggesting this venue. Brian Mead and myself hope to see you all there in May. – Chris Parkhurst
2018 Class of ’64 Reunion (2)
Left to right Graham Crook, Danny Lowry, Steve Marcar, Alan Thompson
The meeting was held in Norfolk at Danny’s caravan on Sunday, 20th May, in Happisburgh. The weather was perfect, we reminisced on school days passed and got glorious suntans. Danny’s wife, Shirley, did us proud with a lovely lunch. We are hoping to repeat the meeting again next year. Any Mayfield Old Boys would be more than welcome to join us.
2017 Class of ’64 Reunion
On Friday 23rd June 2017 four Old Mayfield Boys met up at the Duke of York, The Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells. The convivial evening kicked off at 6pm when Chris met up with Brian, shortly afterwards to be joined by Tony. A little later we were joined by Roy and the time flew by. During the evening we raised our glasses to Glyn Summers and all the other staff members who have passed on. It was 10.45pm when Chris staggered out of the pub, leaving just Tony to polish off his final pint of London Pride. We enjoyed a great evening and all agreed that we would arrange another reunion again, possibly next year back in Bournemouth, where we met once previously in 2013.
Left to right – Roy Tyzak, Tony Saltwell, Brian Mead and Chris Parkhurst.
2016 Class of ’64 Reunion
2015 Class of ’65 Reunion
Post by John Frankland
The Reunion took place at the Moby Dick Pub/Restaurant on
Friday the 3rd July 2015, fifty years after leaving Mayfield Boys.
Those in the photo are:
Back Row: Phil Askew, Roger Howard, George Baines, John Drake, Dave Hutton, Dave Byrne, Dave Pleasents, John Frankland, Alan Weatherill.
Front Row: Trevor Sutton, Colin Thompson, Derek Dench, Rick Wood, Keith Mortimor.
Apologies from Julian Sadowski, Alan Palmer, John Holland, Michael Church and John Watson. Ron Bunker did not want to attend. The rest of the class could not be traced.
A further meet up is planned for October when Mick Church is over from America. Anyone wishing to meet up should contact Colin Thompson or John Frankland.
2014 Class of ’64 Reunion
The 50 years on reunion, organised by Roy Tyzack, was held at the Bell Hotel, Epping, on 9th May 2014
Left to Right
Danny Lowry, John Simpson, Stuart Bailey, Michael Swash, Roy Tyzack, Chris Parkhurst
Dave Baskerville, Trevor Lewis, Ian Scott
2013 Class of ’64 Reunion
The reunion, organised by Brian Mead and Chris Parkhurst, was held at the Connaught Hotel Bournemouth on Friday 12th April 2013. Chris, who had compiled a 1960s music quiz for the night said: ‘The first prize, an England rugby ball signed by Glynn Summers was won by Roy Tyzack. Other prizes included a 1966 England World Cup Winners postage stamp and a 1960s music compilation CD.’ Continue reading →
2006 Mumford Brothers Reunion
All four brothers went to Mayfield
2006 Class of ’64 Reunion
Friday 21st July 2006
The Pantiles, Royal Tunbridge Wells.
It was great to see Dave again. Brian and I didn’t know who would be coming but Dave drove down and found us right outside the venue. Dave still lives in Chadwell Heath and was able to pass on news about a few other old boys. He also told us that a 90 year old Mr Cutting was wheeled in to his hardware store a while back. Whether he wanted supplies for another science experiment wasn’t noted. Chris Parkhurst.
2004 Class of ’64 Reunion
Forty years on (July 2004) L to R: Trevor Lewis, Glyn Summers, Brian Mead, Chris Parkhurst. Glyn taught the lads English at Mayfield. Continue reading →